Wednesday, January 27, 2010

aku pening

in Palmy:
a day before, i got an sms telling that i'm gonna work today in ok lah..mula2 ingt terus nk beli tiket bas petang tu jugak sbb agent tu nk jumpa pkul 10 pagi today..tapi my fren nk g naik ok fine..boleh aje..then, last night packed everything up, wake up early in the morning at 6 o clock, then driving all the way from Palmy to Hastings at sleepy.tapi xpe..ade keje menanti..dpt sign practical work report..dpt,drive la dgn mood xtau ape..neutral kat sebelah tido sedap je..haha.xpe lah, nasib jadi driver.xleh tido..the funny thing is, bila org sebelah tu bangun, she asked me "tido ke?"..rase mcm nk pecah perut ketawa..:)) then i said " kalau kite tido sape yg tgh drive ni"..haha.tgh mamai la tu kot drive la,dlm 2 hours lebih jugak..then sampai..

in Hastings:
masuk umah sewa tu..then pegi ke kilang tersebut..amik seasonal worker card, then balik prepared the food and myself. during induction before start keje, me and my fren disuruh tunggu sebentar utk berbincang. I can guess y we have to wait. so ok lah..then both of the supervisors asked us whether we can take off the tudung because of two reasons. hygien and safety. so I explained to him everything that I could. but he cannot changed his mind. so I decided to quit from the job. That's fine..

then after that scene, byk lagi yg berlaku tp da mls nk recall balik..itu je main point.

in conclusion, I've got so many problems at this moment. mayb this is the lesson for me as a final year students in abroad. practical work. final year projects. accomodation mayb dah setel. health condition and etc...i am in very high depression right now. and also i need some people by to be by my side.

Allahumma yassir wa la tu'assir (O Allah: Make things easier for me and don't make them difficult)


Miss dizzy said... driver tido jer.. kite pun tergelak bace part die tnye tuh.. hoho.. ayu2... ;P

anyway.. ujian untk matang kan lagi akk yg already matang.. ^_^