Thursday, July 16, 2009

Magnetic theory

today during the instrumentation class, my lecturer said sumting about the strong relationship between the north and south pole. " the north and south pole of a magnet is the strongest couple among all relationship..they cannot be separated even when you apply the strongest force to break them apart..they will still want to be closed together" lovely.that have made me day dreaming in the class. but don't worry, kejap je berangan.lpas tu focus balik la okay =P anyway, i enjoy learning about electromagnetic things..quite interesting so far, but who knows it will be hard throughout the semester..whatever..we have to enjoy in what ever we are doing okay..

and now, weekend is coming! and we've already got a plan to go for a ski trip to mt ruapehu this's been two years i went for a ski and now i am very keen to try that again..and also this trip will be our last moment together with some good friends as this is their final semester in here..hopefully everything will goes smoothly and we'll enjoy the moment!


Ann said...


Route66 said...

aisyh jiwang2 suke sgt.

redspider said...

aik baru prasan dia dah ada blog.. wah aku ni ketinggalan zaman betui hahahaaaa

zuema said...

err.sape HusseF ni ek?

redspider said...

hussef, a cun n lemah lembut lady