Tuesday, April 6, 2010

missing part

at this moment, in this small room, in the silent moment, i feel something is missing..
deep in my small heart, i miss some people who are very supporting, sporting, caring, rocks, what else..haha.. i miss my sisters in Massey who are currently in Malaysia..:(( at that time, even though we were not in the same batch, we r still closed together..well, we were in a small group at that time..so our bond was very strong..u guys are also very sporting!!u guys rocks!!that's all i can say..as people always say, we will appreciate something when it is gone..well,it's true..hurm..to kak elun, kak nabil, kak nad, kak yusma, kak hani, wenli,meksu,qisu,kak zura, kak lela, lala, hana,if u read this, i just want u to know that i miss u guys so much..hope to see u guys soon..=)


~Cik Hamba Allah~ said...

miss u too sis =)..

InshaAllah ada rezeki kite jumpa satu hari akan datang =)

eL said...

Salam Zu
yeah we cant turn back time
akak pun sometimes rase best giler if dpt pusing mase2 indah 2006,2007
tp at least, Allah bagi kite peluang berkenal walaupun sekejap
and insyaAllah persahabatan kite ni sampai bile2
aduh syahdu pulak rasenye

nUr said...

rindu jugak, huhu..

teringat masa usrah dulu (ye time usrah je la nak lepak lelama kan, kalo stakat selisih time nak gi kelas tu kejap sangat kot, hehe), awak selalu pegang kaki sy bila kaki sy menggedik2, haha. satu habit yg sampai skang sy takleh stop kot^_^

orang perlis said...

salam ziarah..

best blog anda :p
simple dan berisi :)